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A U.S. company with operations in Cagayan de Oro, Philippines, WynnServ LLC has for over a decade provided exceptional and cost-effective litigation support services to law firms representing clients in myriad product liability litigation, including asbestos, toxic and environmental exposure, medical drug and device, and birth injury cases, as well as other types of complex litigation.


We provide a wide range of litigation support services, including medical record summaries and medical billing analyses for use by medical experts in deposition and trial testimony and by insurance companies in subrogation claims.  Our support extends to a host of paralegal services, including review of discovery materials and creation of privilege logs, deposition and exposure summaries, and settlement charts.


If you are seeking an alternative for any component of your firm's litigation support that is prompt, professional and cost-effective -- one in which capacity can be quickly adjusted to accommodate projects of any size -- consider WynnServ.


HIPAA Compliance: Ensuring data privacy and security in accordance with HIPAA Administrative Simplification, ARRA/HITECH and Omnibus provisions is a top priority at WynnServ.  Our administrative, physical and technical safeguards for protecting PHI, PII and and workstations are adapted from standards issued by the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST), ensuring implementation of current industry standards and best practices in accordance with HIPAA implementation specifications.

Medical Support Services
  • Medical Record Procurement

  • Medical Record Summaries

  • Medical Billing Analyses

Legal Support Services
  • Client/Case Intake Services

  • Discovery Material Reviews

  • Deposition Summaries

  • Exposure Summaries

  • Settlement Charts

  • Privilege Logs

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